Доктор (Ph.D)
Илтгэлийн сэдэв:
Монгол хэлт сонинд үндэстний өв уламжлал, хэл соёлыг хэрхэн тусгаж байгаа тухай
About how national tradition and language culture are reflected in mongolia newspapers
Сонин мэдээллийн дээд сургууль
Key words: Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, newspaper, language, culture, tradition.
Илтгэлийн хураангуй:
There are many examples of how language and culture are inextricably linked, one of which is the newspaper. The language, culture, thought, and tradition reflected in the article, text, language composition, structure, and content of national newspapers; newspaper will be clearly visible.
The Mongolian language newspapers, which have preserved the language and culture of "Mongolia" and have been published in the national script, have been published in the national script and in the Mongolian language since 1895. It is worth mentioning that it continues to carry out its historical duty to carry and spread its tradition. One of the characteristics of Mongolian newspapers in the two countries is that they fulfill the functions of preserving language and culture, spreading heritage, and enlightening people through language and culture.
In modern times, in the era of globalization, the same Mongolian language newspaper of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia reflects the national consciousness and spreads the heritage, language and culture in their own localities in the different political and social environment and different stages of development. Take the example of newspapers.