Чинзул (QING HUA)
Илтгэлийн сэдэв:
(The Beginning of Odser’s Literary Writing: Reasons and Circumstances)
Монгол Улсын Боловсролын Их Сургууль
Нийгэм, хүмүүнлэгийн ухааны сургууль
Утга зохиолын тэнхим
Keywords: A.Odser, the beginning of his literary works, reasons and circumstances
А.Odser (1924—2013) is one of the founders of Modern Inner Mongolian literature, a national writer, and the first rank novelist. He began his writing before the establishment of the new state and didn’t put aside his pen until his death. He wrote the first Inner Mongolian novel “Tsogt and His Moon Marked Horse” in 1952, he continued his works and wrote 3 novels, 18 short novels, 60 articles (not including articles for children), over 100 essays, 80 reviews, and critics with substantive more plays, musicals, and screenplays. Some of his works are translated into English, French, Japanese, Kazakh, and Korean languages and transliterated into Mongolian Cyrillic; and they are well distributed and known to international audiences and have become part of the school curriculum.
Writer А.Odser and his works caught the attention of literature critics by the mid-20th century. His works found privileged positions not only in Inner Mongolian literature but also took important roles in Chinese literature and were well-known all over the country. A special unit is dedicated to him and his works in the history volumes of Chinese literature. There are over 160 research and critics (not complete records) that studied A. Odser’s literary works.
As literature becomes the result of human feeling and psychological features, I examine in my research, the beginning of his writing through the methodology of psychoanalysis identifying his life at that period and other factors and motives that had an impact on his works. Through research and observation, it is found that unfortunate social and cultural events in his life at that moment had an impact on starting his writing. The research makes an in-depth analysis of how the unescapable and unfortunate social and cultural circumstances, brought him sadness, depression, and discouragement and to liberate and free himself from those conditions, led him to write. This escape writing became good healing to him and led him to future great works and success.