Доктор (Ph.D)
Илтгэлийн сэдэв:
Монгол хэлний “хар” өнгөний нэрээр илрэх утгын хүрээг судлах нь
Exploring the semantic range of related lexical 'black' color terms in mongolian
“A Cognitive – semantic approach”
И мэйл хаяг: sarangerel.r@msue.edu.mn
Монгол Улсын Боловсролын Их Сургууль
Нийгэм, хүмүүнлэгийн ухааны сургууль
Монгол хэлний тэнхим
Түлхүүр үг: хар, өнгөний нэр, утгын өөрчлөлт, өргөсөл, утгын сүлжээ (хүрээ), зүйрлэл
Keywords: black, color name, semantic change, extension, semantic map (range), metaphor
The article delves into the meanings, transformations, and expansions of nouns denoting the colors "black" in the Mongolian
language, with a particular emphasis on semantics and cognitive methods. This study employs metaphor theory and (CLICS3 semantic map) to construct a network of meanings, facilitating a comparison of the meanings in the Mongolian language with those in other languages. The results shed "black" is laden with associations of "night," "darkness," "evil," "danger," "disaster," "calamity," "sorrow," "cruelty," "secrecy," "deep," "dirty," "unripe," and "wind." The shift in meaning is closely intertwined with the development and evolution of vocabulary, influenced by etymology, national symbols, and cultural nuances. The article posits that creating a semantic map for vocabulary units and exploring semantic shifts and expansions based on these units are pivotal for advancing the fields of semantics and comparative semantic research across different languages. The source of the transformations of meaning from the name of black color is related to the domain of "badness". It is closely intertwined mostly metaphorical theory.