Доктор (Ph.D)
Илтгэлийн сэдэв:
Диалектизмы языка бурятского эпоса "Абай Гэсэр"
Some phonetic and morphological features of the language of the epic "Abai Geser"
И мэйл хаяг: boroevna@yandex.ru
Irkutsk State University
Department of Buryat Philology
Keywords: epic, Buryat, dialect, phonetic alternation, morphological phenomena, authenticity of the language.
The article is devoted to the dialect features of the language of the Buryat epic "Abai Geser". The problem of fixing, describing, and analyzing the linguistic units of the dialects of the Buryat language is still being solved. There are no Buryat dialectological dictionaries. Unfortunately, dialects are being forgotten, becoming a thing of the past. The number of informants is getting smaller. In this regard, the topic of the article seems to be very relevant. We have considered phonetic and morphological dialectisms that reflect the Alaro-Unga dialect of the West Buryat dialect. The linguistic features are considered in comparison with the literary language, which was based on the Khorinsky dialect in 1936. We applied methods of observation, comparative analysis, morpheme analysis, etc.
An alternation of vowel sounds ü//e: dülün - lit. dülen flame; üdurshye dongojo - lit. üdershye dongodojo : here we see ü//e and the loss of a short vowel (reduction) in the verb ‘He cooks day and night’; bühüdӧӧ - lit. bühedӧӧ ‘on the belt’: ü//e, etc. Consonants y//g, h//d, m//b, s//h, s//t, etc. also alternate. For example: tenyier - lit. tengeri : y//g; khübühiishni - lit.
khübüdiiyeshni ‘of your sons’ : h//d; namsha lit. nabshahan ‘leaf‘ : m//b, zero//han, etc. There are cases of alternating vowels and consonants simultaneously in the same word form: uyarhaboy - lit. uyarhagüy ‘It doesn ‘t feel’: b//g, oe//üi; tühӧӧrӧzhӧ, mühӧӧrӧzhӧ - lit. tüheerzhe : ӧӧ //’ee, m//t, etc.
The differences between dialect morphemes and literary morphemes are revealed. For example, case affixes of a dialect, possessive affixes, etc.
Affixes of the dialects genitive case: –i, -ain, -ya : morni tolgoin shnane - lit. morinoi ‘the size of...’, üdüri - lit. üderei ‘on the day’; aguulain shnane - lit. uuliin sheneen ‘the size of a mountain’; humain ‘arrows’ - lit. homonoi; oyodoli – lit. oyodoloi ‘(seam of the sky)’; daini - lit. dainai ‘wars’; tani, mani yerhenhee boloo – lit. tanai manai yerehenhee boloo ‘Because of our arrival’; galabii multarsa – lit. galabai multartar ‘until the flood comes’; nuuri - lit. nuurai ‘By the lake’; honoe dotorto - lit. honogoi dotorto ‘during the day’; adhani - lit. aduuhanai ‘of the herd ‘; uulain hormoido – lit. uuliin hormoido ‘at the foot of the mountain’, goli - lit. goloi ‘near the river’, etc.
Impersonal attraction: hamsuiyaa - lit. hansiigaa ‘his sleeves’, hormoyeo - lit. khormoigoo‘your hem’, etc.
Personal attraction: the third person: -yiin, -iin, -ne, -ni : zhadaine barizha – lit. zhadiiyen ‘grabbed a pike (his)’; baishaneyin - lit. baishaniiyin’his (her, their) building’; galdanyin – lit. galdaniiyin ‘the prophetic horse (his)’; tüihiin khüdӧlgezhe - lit. tüid khüdelgezhe ‘brought misfortune’; hoinoni – lit. hoinon ‘behind him’, etc.
Afterword: tiizhe baiha herenden - lit. tiigezhe baiha hireden ‘at that time’.
Particle : helen hüünen baina la - lit. bayna le ‘She spoke and said’.
Relative adjective: dabharaita - lit. olon dabhartai / dabhariaatai ‘multilayered’, baruulama – lit. baruun ‘western’; züüleme - lit. züün ‘oriental’; bӧӧlüür - lit. bӧӧnseg ‘shamanic’.
Verbal forms have phonetic differences in morphemes from literary forms. Complex verb forms are also formed from two bases, the fusion of a verb with a particle.
Past participle + particle: Gertee yabahan barhainshki - lit. gertee yabahan yüm gü, ügii gü ‘have you returned home or not’; yaahada zerge yerhiimta? - lit. yaahadaa zerge erehen yumta? ‘Why did you come at once?’ etc.
The ultimate adverbial participle: hankhinsara, khünkhinesere (lit. affix -tar) ‘until the bell rings’ ; Tümer dürӧӧ tügdӧrsӧrӧ ‘until the stirrups of iron are erased’; Shengese sherlese üleebe - lit. shengeter, shergeter ‘to the point that it sinks to the bottom, to the point that it runs out’ , etc.
The connective adverbial part: ursha baihan uhan - lit. urdazha... ‘flowing waters’ ; gasherzhe (complex basis) - lit. garazha yerezhe ‘coming out’ etc.
The originality or authenticity of the text recorded by üligershin (rhapsode) Papa Tushemilov is revealed, thanks to the preservation of Tatiana Boldonova’s record in 1947. Observations show the general Mongolian character of the lexical composition of this epic. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of dialect vocabulary in a separate article. The syntactic structure of the epic is organized within the framework of the norm of the Buryat language.